New beginnings
With another birthday fast approaching I guess now is a good time to reflect on the last couple of years.
In truth, they’ve been intense. Life took a few unexpected turns and a lot of what felt familiar and secure has now disappeared. Including my job.
After much soul searching and deliberation I took the decision to join my husband in early retirement so that we could enjoy building this next phase of our lives together.
If I’m honest, I haven’t taken to this non-working life quite as easily as I thought I would. Whilst it has been lovely having more time to spend with my family and friends I have missed the structure and sense of purpose that comes with being traditionally employed. I still feel a little adrift and unsure of what comes next. It’s not that I’m bored, if anything I have too many ideas and activities vying for my attention. Maybe I’m just a little overwhelmed by all the possibilities.
Creating art is one of the few constants that remain. Painting gives focus to my days and quiets my mind when it inevitably starts to worry about the future. As I paint the landscapes I have walked through or the flowers that change with the seasons I am reminded time and again of the things that make me happy. The little things in life that keep me smiling.
So this is my new beginning. Mixing bright colours, making bold marks and finding real joy in the creative process. I hope you will join me for the ride.